Jan Mouton Learning Centre
Stellenbosch Central
Educational Architecture
Client: Stellenbosch University
The Jan Mouton Learning Centre is a contemporary, multifunctional learning and teaching facility on the central campus of Stellenbosch University. The building is located on the knuckle of the primary campus circulation routes, and houses state of the art technological infrastructure for future orientated lectures, streaming, conferencing, and groupwork classes.
The Learning Centre has a low-carbon footprint, includes a greywater system, and ties into a regional chiller plant for air-cooling. Rain and groundwater are harvested, the infrastructure is ready for a future photovoltaic installation, and the center boasts with no additional on-site parking. Allocated peripheral parking areas encourage non-motorized transport on campus.
This building was subsidized by the Department of Higher Education and Training, and made possible through a generous donation in honour of Jan Mouton. The facility is intended to spur students to greater heights, lifelong learning and engaged citizenship.
Photo Credits: Wilhelm van Zyl